Facial aesthetics
Tear Trough
Tear trough fillers are used to smooth and minimise the appearance of lower eyelid dark circles/dark hollows.resulting in a fresh eye appearance.
Dr Bassanini carries out this procedure with a micro cannula to give precise injections of dermal filler along the eyelid hollows to reverse the dark circles around the eyes.
With the use of a cannula or micro needles and topical anaesthesia (cream) the procedure can be painless. The filler contains also anaesthesia to numb the area.
Initially the skin may become a bit red and inflamed although this usually subsides within 48-72 hours.
Results are evident immediately but will get better over the following 2-3 weeks.
Results last between 9-12 months.
** Treatment available only in the UK - Tratamiento sólo disponible en Reino Unido